In Memory of Carl Q Christol
Tuesday, February 28th, 2012
On 22 February 2012, with the death of Professor Carl Q Christol, the space community and more particularly those involved in international space law lost one of its great scholars and advocates. The Institute has lost a true friend and much valued Adviser. In his comments, the Institute President Professor Bin Cheng captured the sentiments of all who knew Carl, saying: “I am truly shocked to learn of Carl Christol’s death. Carl was not only a most distinguished public international lawyer, but also one of the leading pioneers of space law. With his penetrating insight, great and meticulous scholarship and indefatigable enthusiasm, he contributed immensely to the development of international space law. He will be sorely missed.” The Institute Director, Professor Sa’id Mosteshar added: “Carl Christol was an inspiration and a wonderful friend to whom we owe a great deal.”
Biography of Professor Carl Q Christol